Settling a motorcycle accident case means you’re accepting the amount of compensation paid to you by the insurance company as payment in full for your losses. You shouldn’t do this until you are certain you’ve received what you are owed.
Have You Examined All Potential Losses?
Ensure you’ve considered all types of potential losses after a motorcycle accident. This includes any type of loss you’ve already incurred but also things that may not become evident for some time, such as ongoing medical bills or loss of earning potential resulting from complications. Most often, you should work with an attorney to determine this. Some examples may include:
- Medical bills, including emergency room services
- Specialist care costs
- Rehabilitation costs
- Medication costs, including ongoing needs
- Loss of function of limbs or abilities
- Loss of the ability to work
- Loss of companionship
- Mobility losses and their implications
Could Your Case Make it in Court?
Next, consider what happens if your case goes further into a court of law. Do you have enough evidence to prove your losses exceed what the insurance company has offered as a settlement? The quality of the evidence can play a big role in the likelihood of success at trial.
Have You Talked to a Nebraska Motorcycle Accident Attorney?
To get answers to these and other questions, meet with a motorcycle accident attorney to discuss your case. Discuss each of your concerns openly to learn more about what to expect and whether your evidence is good enough to continue to move forward.
Call The Law Office of Matthew A. Lathrop, PC, LLO, to gain more insight into your case before you settle with an insurance company. Don’t make a mistake that’s hard to undo. If you’re unsure, let us help you. Set up a free consultation with our motorcycle accident attorney in Nebraska now.